

觀自在菩薩行深般若波羅蜜多時照見五蘊皆空 度一切苦厄舍利子色不異空空不異色色即是空 空即是色受想行識亦復如是舍利子是諸法空相 不生不滅不垢不淨不增不減是故空中無色無受 想行識無眼耳鼻舌身意無色聲香味觸法無眼界 乃至無意識界無無明亦無無明盡乃至無老死亦 無老死盡無苦集滅道無智亦無得以無所得故菩……




维基百科: 原来的文学作品《布兰诗歌》,创作时间由于11世纪至13世纪不等,集合不同年代的神职人员的内容,再经过不同人所抄录后所聚集而成的作品。诗集包含了超过240首由11和12世纪的诗歌和戏剧所组成,部分配有旋律,大部分为情歌、祝酒歌以及宗教歌剧。大部分以中世纪拉丁语写成,亦有中……


第一章 汽车制造厂的流水生产线上排列着一辆辆正在组装中的大轿车。流水 线缓慢但不停顿地行进着。随着流水线的运动,每一道工序都给大轿车的身上增 添新的内容。 飞马汽车制造厂10分钟生产一辆飞马牌大轿车,这些大轿车刚刚在流水线 上初具规模就跃跃欲试,恨不能在只有两个轮子时就到公路上撒欢儿奔驰。……


防止民众犯错误不是政府的功能,而阻止政府犯错误才是民众的作用。 It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error. ——美国最高法院法官罗伯特·H·杰克逊(1950) 在我们这颗饱受烦扰的小星球上,人类生活中的一个事实是,发生在专制政府管理下的国家广泛存在的滥用酷刑、饥荒,……


本文作者李茗公,原载于《长江文艺》,后被《读者》转载而广泛流传。 多少年过去了,我仍收藏着刊登尼克松1972年2月21日访问中国的那张报纸,它导致了老兵之死。 那是一个寒冷的冬天,巨大的寒流疯狂地摧残折磨着这个可怜的世界,有天夜里,连我家那条极瘦的小黄狗都被冻死了。就在那种狂风呼啸滴……


To Leon Werth I ask the indulgence of the children who may read this book for dedicating it to a grown-up. I have a serious reason: he is the best friend I have in the world. I have another reason: this grown-up understands everything, even books about children. I have a third reason: he lives in France where he is hungry and cold. He needs cheering up. If all these reasons are not enough, I will dedicate the book to the child from whom this grown-up grew. All grown-ups were once children– although few of them remember it. And so I correct my dedication: To Leon Werth when he was a little boy Chapter 1 we are introduced to the narrator, a pilot, and his ideas about grown-ups Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture……


梅君圣俞作是赋,曾不我鄙,而寄以为好。因勉而和之。庶几感物之意同归而殊途矣。 灵乌灵乌,尔之为禽兮。何不髙翔而逺翥,何为号呼于人兮。告吉凶而逢怒,方将折尔翅而烹尔躯,徒悔焉而亡路。彼哑哑兮如诉,请臆对而心谕:“我有生兮,秉阴阳之含育;我有质兮,处天地之覆露。长慈母之危巢,托主人之佳……


本作品写于 1925 年 3 月 9 日,收录于《华盖集》和《语丝》。 二十年前到黑市,买得一张符,名叫“鬼画符”。虽然不过一团糟,但帖在壁上看起来,却随时显出各样的文字,是处世的宝训,立身的金箴。今年又到黑市去,又买得一张符,也是“鬼画符”。但帖了起来看,也还是那一张,并不见什么增补和修改。今夜看……


ACT 1 PROLOGUE (WORK SONG) CHAIN GANG Look down, look down Don’t look ’em in the eye Look down, look down You’re here until you die. The sun is strong It’s hot as hell below Look down, look down There’s twenty years to go. I’ve done no wrong Sweet Jesus, hear my prayer Look down, look down Sweet Jesus doesn’t care I know she’ll wait I know that she’ll be true Look down, look down They’ve all forgotten you When I get free You won’t see me Here for dust Look down, look down Don’t look ’em in the eye. How long, 0 Lord, Before you let me die? Look down, look down You’ll always be a slave Look down, look down, You’re standing in your grave. JAVERT Now bring me prisoner 24601 Your time is up And your parole’s……