
ACT 1 PROLOGUE (WORK SONG) CHAIN GANG Look down, look down Don’t look ’em in the eye Look down, look down You’re here until you die. The sun is strong It’s hot as hell below Look down, look down There’s twenty years to go. I’ve done no wrong Sweet Jesus, hear my prayer Look down, look down Sweet Jesus doesn’t care I know she’ll wait I know that she’ll be true Look down, look down They’ve all forgotten you When I get free You won’t see me Here for dust Look down, look down Don’t look ’em in the eye. How long, 0 Lord, Before you let me die? Look down, look down You’ll always be a slave Look down, look down, You’re standing in your grave. JAVERT Now bring me prisoner 24601 Your time is up And your parole’s……


第一幕 02.维罗纳 王子: 你们认为自己什么都见过 你们游历天下,包揽群书 没有什么能让你们吃惊 欢迎来到维罗纳 你们认为人是善良的 因为他能写出美妙的歌 如果你觉得这一首歌很优美 欢迎来到维罗纳 当然,这里同别处一样 人们并不更坏,也并不更好 嗨!你们今夜来到我们这里 要么是个错误,要么纯属偶然 (副歌:……